Enjoy in a stylish ambience

A stay at the Hotel-Restaurant Zum Löwen promises a relaxing time if you are planning a family holiday, a short trip, your family celebration or simply a romantic weekend. Feel at home in our comfortable rooms, let yourself be pampered in our restaurant or celebrate to your heart’s content in our hotel. We make sure that you feel at home at any time and look forward to seeing you!

For 41 years now, our house has been a family-run, comfortable 42-room hotel. It occupies a special place in East Westphalia-Lippe, both as the nearest hotel to the Bad Salzuflen Exhibition Centre and because of its quiet yet convenient location and its proximity to the Salzuflen State Spa and the cities of Bielefeld, Herford, Detmold, Lage and Lemgo.

Our team

The soul of a hotel

and restaurants are the people who work there for the guest. They answer the guest’s all-important questions: “Was it nice here?”, “Were all my expectations fulfilled?”, “Would I like to come again?

With our highly motivated and highly qualified team we want to make sure that you answer all these questions with “Yes” without reservation.

The high number of regular guests – both in our hotel and restaurant – shows us that they enjoy coming to us and that we are on the right track.

Your hosts

Your hosts

Family Steinmair

In our exclusively equipped rooms and suites you will relax and feel good at any time.

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Comfortable and stylish is the atmosphere of our restaurant, international the culinary offer.

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It is the special details that make celebrations at the Hotel-Restaurant Zum Löwen special moments.

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Liebe Gäste

Vom 28.07.2024 bis einschließlich 08.08.2024

machen wir in unserem Restaurant Betriebsferien.

Das Hotel öffnet für Reisende schon wieder am 05.08.2024.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir während dieser Zeit nur Frühstück
anbieten und kein Abendessen.

Ihre Familie Steinmair und das „Löwenteam“

Liebe Gäste

Vom 28.07.2024 bis einschließlich 08.08.2024

machen wir in unserem Restaurant Betriebsferien.

Das Hotel öffnet für Reisende schon wieder am 05.08.2024.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir während dieser Zeit nur Frühstück
anbieten und kein Abendessen.

Ihre Familie Steinmair und das „Löwenteam“